BETAG Innovation’s Clear Program recognizes body shops with industry leading outer panel repair capability, founded on a commitment to:

  • Offer best in class repair times and repair performance metrics

  • Develop and retain outer panel repair specialist technicians (actual number determined in relation to the size of the business)

  • Utilize specialized equipment to complete steel, aluminum and plastic repairs in accordance with OEM standards and processes

Clear Benefits

The Clear Program delivers a wide range of shared benefits to each stakeholder in the repair process.

Clear Process

BETAG’s Clear Program follows a straightforward 3 step process, starting with benchmarking current performance to provide a baseline to measure improvement.

Clear Accreditation

Body shop accreditation is founded on two primary conditional elements that correlate with work volume.

Effective Training

To achieve Clear Program Accreditation a repairer must maintain an agreed number of trained estimators and BETAG OPRS technicians [link to OPRS page].

The actual number is determined in relation not the average monthly sales and work volume of the body shop.

Advanced Equipment

To achieve Clear Program Accreditation, body shops are also required to have appropriate outer panel repair equipment to enable technicians to repair outer panels efficiently and in accordance with OEM procedure and standards.

This can be BETAG’s Advanced Equipment [link to Equipment homepage] for outer panel repairs or an equivalent alternative,which will be verified during the equipment audit element of the Benchmark.

Clear ROI

Body shop ROI is primarily derived from increasing gross margin and increasing sales/ft2.

Three factors positively impact gross margin:

  • Repair/Replace % - improving this ratio by 10% is commonly believed to equate to an additional 3% of gross margin.

  • Touch Time – statistically, every 0.2 hour increase in avg. touch time per day equates to an additional 1% of gross margin.

  • Labor Margin – by increasing the repair skills of less experienced (less expensive) technicians to make them more productive, avg. labour margins can be increased.

Two factors influence sales/ft2:

  • Increasing touch time and by extension throughput, creates additional capacity within the same shop space.

  • Reducing repair costs and higher CSI lead to increased work volume and more referrals.

BETAG NA, 3750 University Ave. Suite 610, Riverside, CA 92501
Tel : +1 - 312 - 881 - 0077
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