The Small Damage Repair section of BETAG’s outer panel repair toolbox contains a range of advanced equipment designed around the technician, to enable them to work precisely and efficiently.

All of BETAG’s Small Damage Repair tools complement or can be used in conjunction with BETAG’s other advanced equipment.


BETAG produces a comprehensive range of task lights that optimize lighting conditions, to help identify damage more easily and facilitate high quality repairs.

BETAG’s lighting systems are equally valuable for estimators, repair planners and technicians.

Estimators use them to more easily identify and mark all the damage on a panel; and produce much higher quality images of the damage to submit to the customer or insurer.

Specialized task lighting transforms the way in which PDR and autobody technicians can straighten panels, enabling them to deliver higher quality work, more quickly and efficiently.

For more information about BETAG's complete range of lights, including the all new MotionLED system, click here, or to view the brochure click here (Lighting can be found on pages 6 to 9).

You can also download the brochure here.


BETAG’s patented T-hotbox system remains the only compact, handheld induction unit capable of making the process of removing or reducing smaller dents simple and efficient.

BETAG also produces a comprehensive range of accessories for mechanical applications: including bolt busters; a heat pad for removing decals; and a heatblock for helping to remove window glass.

For more information about the T-hotbox and the full range of accessories BETAG produces for it, please contact us, or click here to view the brochure.

You can also download the brochure here.

Alu T-hotbox

Building on the success of the T-Hotbox, BETAG’s revolutionary Alu T-Hotbox uses similar induction technology, to enable technicians to remove or significantly reduce the size of soft and medium sharp dents on aluminum panels.

For more information about the Alu T-Hotbox and to find out what’s included in the kit, please contact us, or click here to view the brochure.

You can also download the brochure here.

Glue Pulling

Glue pulling has always been an integral part of BETAG’s toolbox, with a wide range of applications across PDR and small damage repairs where there is limited access to the backside of the panel. Used correctly, glue pulling can also be used to significantly reduce the size of much larger areas of damage.

BETAG’s new Speedline range, complements its existing comprehensive range of individual glue knobs and power knobs to enable technicians to complete a wide range of repairs to steel and aluminum outer panels, often without the need for spot or stud welding.

BETAG's complete glue pulling range is designed for easy use and to be compatible with the hand puller and bridges in its Panel Repair systems.

For more information about our full range of Glue Repair systems, including our brand new Speedline System please click here.

Or download a PDF version of our Glue Repair brochure here.

Soft Push System and Levers

BETAG’s soft push system is an essential item for every panel technician. Each system is supplied with a range of soft tips to pre-push bigger dents and body lines, and sharp tips for finishing work.

The soft tips are ideal for aluminum panels and help technicians avoid the risk of making small cracks in the panel if pushed with a traditional rod or lever.

BETAG also produces a comprehensive range of PDR rods and tool sets to repair small dents and hail damage.

For more information about BETAG’s Soft Push System and levers, including what comes with each of the kits, please contact us, or click here to view the brochure.

You can also download the brochure here.

BETAG NA, 3750 University Ave. Suite 610, Riverside, CA 92501
Tel : +1 - 312 - 881 - 0077
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