Our People focus provides a comprehensive range of specialized training & mentorship programs to turbocharge technician capability across all experience levels.

Learn more about our training & mentorship programs here and contact us to discuss tailoring a solution for you.

Effective Training Increases Profitability...

...And Benefits Everyone In The Repair Process



Training is often only viewed as an expensive compliance requirement - that negatively impacts productivity and burdens body shops with additional cost.

This misses the measurable performance improvements and positive impact developing the knowledge & skills of estimators and technicians has on bottom line performance, including:

  • Increasing productivity of less experienced technicians – to improve average labor gross margin; and address shortage of skilled technicians
  • Improving repair/replace ratio - to increase gross profit and bottom line performance
  • Improving overall quality of repairs and reducing re-works
  • Increasing ‘Touch Time’ and reducing ‘Key to Key’ times
  • Utilizing ROI from improving the non-structural repair process to invest in training and equipment for more capital-intensive structural repairs

Offering a well-structured career development pathway to aspiring technicians & estimators also serves as a great way to attract, develop and retain talent in an increasingly competitive labor market.

To find out why BETAG’s training and equipment program is having such a positive impact on collision center performance click here.

BETAG NA, 3750 University Ave. Suite 610, Riverside, CA 92501
Tel : +1 - 312 - 881 - 0077
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